The world's first self cleaning, insulated and rechargeable water bottle
If you are a water fanatic (we should all be), then this bottle from Quartz should be gold to you. At the touch of a button, it uses digital purification from UV light to purify both the water and the bottle in just 60 seconds. The self-cleaning is activated every 4 hours so you will never have to worry about that stinky bottle.
I'm impressed with this product as it tackles the current overwhelming issue of plastic bottle waste, especially in the ocean. Did you know that the fish in the ocean feeds on plastic waste sitting on the sea bed? When you order seafood at your favorite restaurant, do you know you are ingesting some of this plastic too? Have you ever wondered why it seems so many people are currenlty being diagnosed with cancer? I believe this is one of the leading factors and I'm glad to see another company do something about it.