Zero Over Zero is an outlet dedicated to the aspiring designer. Featured content is all about highlighting and championing the undefined and creative ideas via the lens of product design and innovation.

Carried out as a mathematical function, zero divided by zero on a calculator gives you an error message of "undefined". Non categorized, oddly interesting, disregard for common trend and futuristic are the qualities that will be felt across this platform.

If you are interested in getting your product featured on Zerooz, looking to collaborate or have any general inquiries, drop us a note.



A Brief History

It all began in the early summer of 2016 when Emmanuel Iyamabo, the founder of Zerooz, was consumed by the idea of designing a wearable device that would help people make everyday decisions. After a few meetings with industry professionals, quite an extensive research and a failed attempt to shoot a concept video, he decided he was grossly unready. Unabashed by this initial failure, he decided to build an online platform dedicated to other aspiring product designers/innovators like himself, to discuss ideas and learn from the people that have been successful at bringing their innovative ideas to fruition.