In honor of International Women's Day

In honor of International Women's Day

Roya Ramezani noticed gender disparities in the tech world especially in Silicon Valley where women are grossly under-represented. Even when there were equal number of women in the room, they weren't contributing to the discussions equally. This led her to start a project called Exponent which is aimed at amplifying the female voices in Tech using product design.

The Exponent Keyboard was designed to assist women type and speak more assertively. The keyboard triggers the use of more action verbs like claim, disagree or insist. It also tracks every word typed and generates missing power verbs.

The Exponent Ring was designed to make people conscious of their destructive vocabulary and will vibrate when it hears words like "just", "sorry", "basically", "like" and other similar wordage. The aim is to enhance confidence when speaking in a meeting or in front of an audience.

Tiny robot you can swallow

Tiny robot you can swallow

Kinetic desk companion for creators, makers & thinkers.

Kinetic desk companion for creators, makers & thinkers.